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My Facebook Wookiees: tag your friends as Wookiees

I’m sure that Chewbacca isn’t the only Wookiee you know… With this new “tag your friends” picture, you can tag up to seven of your Facebook friends as Wookiees, the race of hairy bipeds from the Star Wars movies (often just spelled “Wookie”).

  1. The angry Wookiee
  2. The gangsta Wookiee
  3. The chilled-out Wookiee
  4. The old & wise Wookiee
  5. The friendly Wookiee
  6. The foolish Wookiee
  7. The warrior Wookiee

My Facebook Wookiees - Tag your friends as Star Wars Wookies

Follow these simple instructions to start tagging your Facebook friends as Wookiees:

  1. Right-click and save the image below to your computer.
  2. Upload it to any of your Facebook photo albums.
  3. Tag your friends or let them tag themselves.

Post Become a fan of Chewbacca, the original Wookiee  (980 fans at the time of writing).

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My Facebook Wookiees: tag your friends as Wookiees Posted by on February 28, 2009 at 4:52 PM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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