Pieter posted in "Profile pictures".
On April 26 2012, Facebook will be updating the size of the profile picture on all Pages. The new profile picture will be 160 x 160 pixels; a small, yet welcome change for those who had to cram their logo into the current 125 x 125 profile pic dimensions.
Pieter posted in "News".
The About section has reappeared after it was ditched with the introduction of the new Facebook Page layouts last month.
Pieter posted in "Hacks & tricks".
Wouldn’t it be interesting to find out which of your Facebook friends you have the most common interests with? No, there’s no application required to show you that kind of information; it’s built right into Facebook’s Page Browser.
Pieter posted in "Applications".
Facebook with their most recent upgrade has enabled instant notifications for Page admins , which is very useful to keep track of comments and respond to reactions from fans of the Page. But while these alerts are fast, the feature is inferior to the free service offered by Hyper Alerts.
Pieter posted in "Hacks & tricks".
When we saw the new row of photos at the top of the new Page layout, similar to the one on personal profile pages, we immediately wanted to hack it and add an eye-catching profile header. Regrettably, Facebook decided to have these photos randomly change positions on Pages, unlike the static behaviour on people’s profiles.
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages".
Even if you have only accidentally watched just a few seconds of the World Cup 2010 while flicking channels, you’ll have heard the sound of the vuvuzela. The stadium blowing horn, approximately 1 meter (3 feet, 3 inches) in length, is the favourite instrument of soccer fans in South Africa. And right now, it’s also the most hated instrument in the rest of the world.
Pieter posted in "News".
This is probably a first for Upside Down Facebook Day, but we have noticed that Facebook Pages other than ours are joining too!
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages".
Now that Facebook got rid of the whole “Become a fan” terminology, a batch of new pages have appeared in the past week, wittily or cleverly building on the “[insert name] likes…” phrase. We compiled a list of 25 “likeable” Facebook pages with a pun…
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages".
While hundreds of people have been evacuated from their homes, and tens of thousands of grounded air travelers are frustrated because volcanic ash has shut the European air space, there are already some funny Facebook groups and pages mocking the troublesome eruption of a volcano in the southern Iceland area of the Eyjafallajoekull glacier.
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages".
Any artist can have hundreds of fan pages on Facebook, but it takes a really successful one to have dozens and dozens of anti-fan pages. Take Justin Bieber. The 16-year-old Canadian pop singer with a certified platinum debut release may have millions of screaming fans, but his young, slightly androgynous looks and voice make him an easy target for opponents.
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages".
If you feel like becoming a fan of a few random, funny Facebook pages today, here’s our selection du jour.
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages".
By adding Google Analytics to Facebook pages, admins get access to additional statistical data about all visitors (and not just fans) such as traffic sources, keyword searches, and much more.
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages, Humor".
A photo of a duck, every day, delivered straight to your Facebook feed. Talking about a hole in the market. Or not.
Pieter posted in "Privacy & security".
Facebook application developers, Candytech, have discovered a security hole, or rather privacy issue, with the status tagging feature that was introduced in September. After launching the feature, Facebook updated the “Friends” section to show friends pending a confirmation…