Status Saturday: Funny Facebook Status Update profile link trick

Time for a little Facebook prank action! This week’s Status Saturday is all about fooling your friends with a fake profile link, that ─when clicked─ magically redirects to their own Facebook profile. Here, give it a shot ( make sure you’re logged in): See yourself? Neat trick, huh?
We made up a few status updates you can use that incorporate the link and will confuse the hell out of your friends. But pay attention: if Facebook automatically turns it into a shared link with your name and your profile picture as a thumbnail, then close the attachment by clicking the blue X icon in the upper right corner before sharing!
These statuses will definitely get comments:
…is desperately looking for someone: ─ If you see, or know the whereabouts of this person, leave a comment immediately.
…has many friends on Facebook, but this one’s the BEST:
Some status updates that will get “likes”:
…wants you to “Like” this if you know this person:
…wants you to “Like” this if you like this person:
…wants you to “Like” this post if you think this person is HOT as hell:
And finally, a few slightly offensive status updates that are bound to trigger some (angry) comments:
…thinks this person has a silly name:
…Like this if you think this person is a nerd:
…is convinced this person has a split personality. Approach with caution!
…thinks this has to be the biggest loser on Facebook:
Let us know in the comments how your friends react! Or if you’ve found some other interesting uses for this link. Have fun!