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Facebook Numbers Game

Facebook Numbers Game

Mickey Mouse, Care Bears, and He-man are so last week. Numbers are the new Facebook fad.

Why Facebook Cartoon Characters Killed

Why Facebook Cartoon Characters Killed

Unless you’ve spent the past few weeks talking to a beaver instead of logging into Facebook, you’ll have noticed many people ─maybe even you─ have changed their profile pictures to that of a favorite cartoon character.

I Like It On… Status Updates

I Like It On… Status Updates

Have you noticed many female Facebook friends ─including your mom─ posting statuses in the vein of “I like it on the couch”, “I like it on the floor”, “I like it on the kitchen counter” or even “I like it on a grand piano” and are you wondering what they mean by that?

Spread the FAIL Whale

Spread the FAIL Whale

The fail whale is the latest meme on Facebook, and there’s no doubt it jumped over from Twitter.

Tag your friends: Threadless Edition

Tag your friends: Threadless Edition

Celebrating today’s so-called “beach party” at Threadless (all tees $10, all hoodies $30), we’ve made a new tag your friends picture featuring some of their best t-shirt designs.

Tag your friends upside down

Tag your friends upside down

Rotated your profile picture, posting upside down statuses and already bored with Upside Down Facebook Day? Then here’s a new Tag Your Friends picture for you to use today.

Sonic The Hedgehog Facebook Tag Picture

Sonic The Hedgehog Facebook Tag Picture

It’s been over a month since we posted a brand new Tag your friends picture, but judging by the number of requests we (still) get for a Sonic The Hedgehog tag board, it’s about time we posted a new one. And thanks to the efforts of one of our readers, Lia P, who made and send us one, we can share with you today an exclusive and fresh Facebook tag picture based on Sonic.

Jesus becomes Facebook meme

Jesus becomes Facebook meme

It’s been a while since we had another Facebook meme, but in the advent of Good Friday and Easter, Jesus Christ Himself has been turned into the subject of a new one!

Urban Dictionary Week?!

Urban Dictionary Week?!

Wait. Didn’t we just declare Doppelgänger Week? We did, but the Facebook community is like a kid with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and while you just switched your profile picture to Brad Pitt or Heidi Klum, there’s another trend happening right now and it’s called Urban Dictionary Week, Day, or however long it lasts.

Facebook doppelgänger week

Facebook doppelgänger week

It’s Doppelgänger week on Facebook. Change your profile picture to someone famous (actor, musician, athlete, etc.) you have been told you look like. After you update your profile with your evil twin or switched at birth photo then cut/paste this to your status.

Wayback Week on Facebook

Wayback Week on Facebook

In case you hadn’t noticed, it’s Wayback Week (aka Throwback Week) on Facebook. Why? Maybe it’s like the bra color status updates, but now to raise awareness for growing old? Or maybe it’s just plain old fun.

Facebook Fail Friday: What your bra color Facebook status update says about you

Facebook Fail Friday: What your bra color Facebook status update says about you

So have you update your status today with the color of your bra? Or are you male and raising awareness for prostate cancer by posting the color of your boxers? What you probably didn’t know is that the color of your underwear, yes, that single word, says EVERYTHING about you… even your darkest secrets.

Bra color status updates trend

Bra color status updates trend

Seeing a lot of colors in Facebook status updates lately? A momentary fad is sweeping Facebook in which female users put the colour of the bra they’re wearing as their status update. It started with white, red, and black, but we’re now seeing variations like “shiny black leather”, “hippy batik”, and “pasties”, which have become increasingly popular so it seems.

This is Bob. He wants to take over Facebook. Have you been bobbed?

This is Bob. He wants to take over Facebook. Have you been bobbed?

☻/ This is Bob, copy paste him on
/▌ every update you see so he can
/ \ take over Facebook. You’ve been Bobbed

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