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What’s the maximum length of Facebook comments?

Since it’s 4/20 day it seemed appropriate to talk about the maximum size of a Facebook status update, but we mentioned this before in our Facebook 101 series. So what about the comments people can leave on them? Exactly how long can they be?

Well, we have determined that the maximum length of a Facebook comment is a whopping 8000 characters.

That’s about the size of two printed pages (using typical Romans with font size 12). This generous limit also equals 57 full-length tweets. Eat that, Twitter!

But unless you’re Talky McTalk, your average comment will be far less than 8000 characters. In fact, in our experience the longest comments are usually spam or those horrible “See More… See More… See More…” chainletter non-stories. Seriously, have you ever reached the 8000 character limit while writing a comment?

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What’s the maximum length of Facebook comments? Posted by on April 20, 2010 at 5:51 PM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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