Pieter posted in "News".
Ever felt frustrated with the auto-selected thumbnails for link shares? I know you have.
Because many websites still haven’t properly setup Open Graph meta tags for their pages, the “randomly” selected thumbnail images for link shares are often irrelevant. Fortunately, Facebook Page admins now have the option to upload a custom thumbnail image for shared links from any website. Once the …
Pieter posted in "News".
Mission: Spacebook is accomplished, because Belgian television show Magazinski has successfully launched its Facebook page into space!
Pieter posted in "News".
The maximum length of a Facebook status update has just been increased to 63,206 characters. There, that should please even the most fervent French novelist. Yes, we’re looking at you, Marcel Proust.
Pieter posted in "News".
After prioritizing Highlighted Stories since back in September, FB now enabled a sorting option that lets you choose how updates are sorted in your News Feed.
Pieter posted in "News".
Remember Tom Anderson? What do you mean, NO? He was your first friend on MySpace. M. Y. S. P. A. C. E. Doesn’t ring a bell either? Oh, lord.
Pieter posted in "News".
The Likeable Constitution is a just launched website that aims to spread and rank what makes America the greatest country. People from all over the world are invited to like the parts of the U.S. constitution they resonate with most.
Pieter posted in "News".
While it’s an absolute necessity for brands to have a presence on Facebook, a recent study by Compete.com shows that Twitter is the preferred social network for driving purchases, recommendations and website visits.
Pieter posted in "News".
You can’t go much further in engaging with hardcore fans through social media than what Honda did in celebration of its one million Likes on Facebook.
Pieter posted in "News".
Ask A Refacer: questions from and for Reface.me readers using Urtak.
Pieter posted in "News".
The amount of Facebook-related infographics that have been published in the past few weeks is ridiculous. There were so many that we’ve actually considered making an infographic about Facebook infographics.
Pieter posted in "News".
Should You Friend Your Students is an infographic that draws attention to a few facts about student-teacher interactions on Facebook.
Pieter posted in "News".
7.5 million kids have figured out they could just as easily enter a fake birthday and create an account anyway, despite Facebook’s minimum age requirements.
Pieter posted in "News".
If you’re having a hard time keeping up with all the different kinds of Facebook buttons, the Facebook Social Widgets Timeline gives you an overview of what’s been out there since the launch of Facebook Connect halfway 2008.
Pieter posted in "News".
A new Tumblr blog called Yo Zuck! Implement This has started posting both popular and original Facebook feature requests by demonstrating them in a simple and clear manner, using animated prototypes and altered screenshots. These are our five favorite Yo Zuck! suggestions so far.