Facebook Increases Maximum Status Update Length To 63,206 Characters

The maximum length of a Facebook status update has just been increased to 63,206 characters. There, that should please even the most fervent French novelist. Yes, we’re looking at you, Marcel Proust.
In July 2011, Facebook already stretched the limit to 500 characters, followed by an increase to 5,000 in September. Starting yesterday, you can post status updates that are roughly equivalent to:
- 32 pages (the size of a standard picture book)
- 8800 words
- A 9th of a standard novel
- 451 maxed out Tweets
It would take an average computer user 8 hours of typing (3 hours for a pro) and your friends would have to invest 35 minutes of their lives to read a status update of that size. So where does the number 63,206 come from? Facebook engineer Bob Baldwin explains: “I set the exact limit to something nerdy. Facebook … Face Boo K … hex(FACE) – K … 64206 – 1000 = 63206 :-).â€
Hat tip to XYZ for pointing this out.
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