Ask A Refacer: Yes Or No Questions From And For Readers
Pieter posted in "News". 13 years, 4 months ago
We’ve found a fun, little widget called Urtak which allows us to ask you, dear Refacers, a stream of simple Yes/No questions. And what’s even better, it allows you too to pose your fellow readers questions by simply clicking the “Ask” tab inside the widget, and then submitting anything Facebook-related that can be answered with a simple Yes, No or Don’t care. Oh yeah, use of proper formatting (i.e. capital letter at the start, no spelling errors) will help getting your question approved.
Example questions are:
Do you sometimes approve friend requests from complete strangers?
Have you ever deactivated, then reactivated your Facebook account?
Would you like to meet Mark Zuckerberg?
Now go ahead, answer ‘n ask some!