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Onion rings, sausage rolls, pickles and peas draw millions of fans

What started with an audacious onion ring trying to get more fans than Justin Bieber, has evolved into a whole basket of eatables competing with celebrities for the largest number of Facebook fans. Here are the current standings of the various food fights:

Onion ring versus Justin Bieber: 2,194,229 > 1,651,281 fans. WIN! Next target: Britney Spears.

Pickle versus Nickelback:  298,547 < 1,380,820 fans.

Sausage roll versus Cheryl Cole: 837,783 < 1,506,045 fans. Halfway there.

Melon versus Hannah Montana: 17,827 < 599,988 fans.

French fry versus Edward Cullen: 21,391 < 1,256,477 fans.

Egg versus Katie Price: 55,371 < 1,101,220 fans.

Mexican standoff: Banana versus Sexy potato versus Miley Cyrus: 153,760 < 471,470 < 1,946,535 fans.

UPDATE: Apparently, Facebook is systematically deleting these pages because of their lack of humor violation of their Pages policy.

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Onion rings, sausage rolls, pickles and peas draw millions of fans Posted by on February 8, 2010 at 11:16 PM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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