Facebook Letterbomb by Studio Brussel
Pieter posted in "Hacks & tricks". 13 years, 10 months ago
Studio Brussel, a Belgian radio station with a mainly young audience, today decided to use Facebook to promote their home-made remix of a popular dance song to competing radio stations in Belgium. But instead of simply sharing the video they made on the Walls of their competitors, Stubru hijacked their Facebook pages using the so-called “letterbomb” technique. Here’s how the Facebook letterbomb works:
- Choose which word or brand name you want to spell out (eg. Studio Brussel). You’ll need one commenter per letter and space, so in this case they needed 14 people to participate.
- Prepare the individual letters ─and an empty picture for a space, if applicable─ in the photo editing software of your choice. Make the images square (at least 50 by 50 pixels) and distribute them to the fellow letter bombers.
- Next, every attacker “likes” the letter bomb victim’s page (in this case the victims included Q-Music, Joe FM and MNM).
- In a carefully orchestrated order, each member of the gang posts a comment on the victim’s Wall (the Stubru team posted the lyrics of the song they remixed).
- Finally, all the commenters change their profile pictures so it spells out the chosen word(s) from top down with their profile pictures (eg. S T U D I O _ B R U S S E L, see the screenshot below).
UPDATE: Soon after posting this, we found out that letterbombing was introduced this week by advertising agency BBDO and they have even set up a website (letterbombing.com) where you can download individual letters as well as find more instructions.
You can still check out the letterbomb on Q-Music‘s and Joe FM‘s Facebook pages, although the “L” has unfortunately disappeared on both Walls. Here’s a picture of the mischievous Studio Brussel team right after they letterbombed their “colleagues”.
And if we got you curious about the reason of the letterbomb, it’s this the re-edit of Duck Sauce’s Barbra Streisand which they turned into Studio Streisand for the occasion:
Great stunt, Studio Brussel! If this inspires you to try your own letterbomb (or as we’d rather call it: profile picture bomb), please send us the screenshots! And just so you know, we’d be honored to be your target!