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The Facebook You

Is your Facebook persona really you? Or does your profile show the dull moments, the bad hair days, the everyday worries? Well?

Thought so!

The Facebook You is a poster designed by Nathan Batson, showing the contrast between the Facebook and the realistic version of you.

I like to think of facebook as this game where you try to see who can fabricate the most believable lie in a competition to see who has the best “life”. It’s like permanently showing off vacation photos with everyone you work with, “You see this? I’m jumping off a giant rock into a gorgeous hidden bay in Oregon. Oh you were here working and eating ramen noodles while I was having that much fun? That sucks for you.”

Facebook version of you

» Buy the poster for $25 at Comical Concept. Also check out Nathan’s “Social Networks” poster, about Twitter and Facebook being evil websites.

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The Facebook You Posted by on March 31, 2011 at 5:26 PM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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