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Xilisoft gives away free software via Facebook

Sometimes it really pays off to “Like” a company on Facebook. Xilisoft, creator of very handy multimedia tools, has posted a license code for one of their most popular software titles on their Facebook page. For free! And for everyone to use!

Xilisoft HD Video Converter converts high-definition video, extracts and converts audio, captures stills from video and can turn a series of images into video. We tested the product by converting some HD footage into iPhone compatible video, and it worked fast and flawlessly.

Equipped with advanced High-Definition (HD) video conversion technology, Xilisoft HD Video Converter can easily convert HD video formats such as AVCHD (mts, m2ts), H.264/AVC, MKV, MPEG-2 (ts), DivX, HD WMV, MPEG-4 and Quick Time. Sit back and let Xilisoft HD Converter do the job for you, convert from HD videos to Standard-Definition (SD), or even upgrade an SD video to HD!

» Grab HD Video Converter 6 here. You never know when it’ll come in handy.

The license code, should the wall post ever get removed, is 6685D9AF-A26E-44FB-8C354-19F5-D730-4D0F (Please note that it only works with the PC version of the software). Enter it by starting the software, and selecting “Enter License Code…” from the Help menu.

Here’s a video of (an older version of) the HD Video Converter in action.

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Xilisoft gives away free software via Facebook Posted by on June 5, 2010 at 12:34 AM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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