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Facebook Timeline Mockups For Brand Pages

By the end of this week, our personal profiles will become Timelines. But so far Facebook remains mum about what will eventually happen to Pages. Designer Ryan Kennedy took a few of the most popular brand Pages on Facebook and gave them the “Timeline” makeover, and then some (backgrounds, branded floating bars…).

Here are the timelines for Red Bull, The Muppets, Target, Coca Cola, and Mercedes Benz. You tell us, revolutionary or too MySpace-y?

Facebook Page Timeline: Red Bull

Facebook Timeline Muppets movie

Facebook Timeline for Target Page

Facebook Timeline: Coca Cola

Facebook Timeline for Mercedes Benz Page

The full-resolution images can be found here. (Via)

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Facebook Timeline Mockups For Brand Pages Posted by on September 27, 2011 at 9:21 PM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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