Pieter posted in "News".
People, we’re gonna turn Facebook upside down for a day! Yes, we can. When? Flip 6/9 upside down and you get… 6/9! Similarly, turn 9/6 around 180° and you get 9/6 again. That’s why we will turn Facebook upside down on the 9th day of the 6th month: June 9th* 2009. This day will be known as UPSIDE DOWN FACEBOOK DAY!
Pieter posted in "Status updates".
Two weeks ago, we posted a simple tool that flips around any words you feed it 180 degrees. For our third Status Saturday, we came up with a few example status updates that refer to the use of flipped text. Think about it, what kind of stuff can do upside down? Add your own ideas in the comments.
Pieter posted in "Hacks & tricks, Status updates, Wall posts".
No need to turn your screen to read the text upside down. Want to learn how to rotate a piece of text, turn the letters upside down and flip your font around? Then read on!