The latest on Facebook...

My brown people are on MySpace

My brown people are on MySpace

“I have friends who are white,” says 19-year-old Diego Luna. “They are my white people friends and they are mostly on Facebook. That’s why I use Facebook. My brown people are on MySpace.”

Facebook Facelift, a fingerlicking redesign prototype

Facebook Facelift, a fingerlicking redesign prototype

A real, yet only slight Facebook redesign is just around the corner, so we prefer to dream about a more exciting, completely new approach to the social network’s user interface. Kudos to the guys at Thinking Out Loud for creating the Facebook Facelift project, a fingerlicking smooth UI prototype I bet you’ll want to spend hours playing with.

Twitter Tuesday XIV: Facebook Tweet of the Week

Twitter Tuesday XIV: Facebook Tweet of the Week

Pro tip: if you can’t say it in 140 or less PUT IT ON FACEBOOK.

Facebook meets Xbox Live

Facebook meets Xbox Live

Gizmodo, among other selected bloggers, was given a sneak peek at the Facebook integration on Xbox Live coming this Fall update. Here’s what they shared with us about their hands-on experience.

Barack Obama’s Facebook Feed

Barack Obama’s Facebook Feed

Barack Obama’s Facebook Feed is a satirical series by Slate’s political reporter, Christopher Beam, and assistant editor, Chris Wilson. The most recent feed of course starts with the Nobel prize, and ends with the Balloon Boy Hoax…

Where the Wild Things Are

Where the Wild Things Are

Maurice Sendak’s Wild Things are on Facebook. Well, sort of. Warner Bros Pictures made a simple Wild Things application for Facebook which allows you to become little Max, the King of all Wild Things in the official poster for the just released Spike Jonze movie adaptation.

Tourette’s Facebook Quiz: WHAT THE SH*T-F*CK ARE YOU?!?!!1!

Tourette’s Facebook Quiz: WHAT THE SH*T-F*CK ARE YOU?!?!!1!

If you ever took the Which neuropsychiatric disorder do you have? Facebook quiz and the answer was “Tourette syndrome”, then the following quiz is totally your thing.

Facebook Fail Friday: Account hijacking scenarios

Facebook Fail Friday: Account hijacking scenarios

Even if you’re not a burglar in the middle of a crime, it’s highly advisable to log out after each of your Facebook sessions, especially when you used a public or someone else’s computer. Why? Well, this is what could happen if you have polite friends such as Jes.

Matt, stop writing on the wall please!

Matt, stop writing on the wall please!

Are you doing every Facebook quiz there is? Have you poked someone earlier this week and counting every second until this person pokes you back? Do you have the unstoppable urge to write on every wall, even those in your bedroom? Then you might want to join the Social Media Addicts Association (S.M.A.A.), founded by Jerry.

Chicks rule Facebook

Chicks rule Facebook

According to data collected and analysed by Brian Solis, chicks rule almost every social network on the planet, including Twitter, MySpace and, you guessed it, Facebook (57%)! Only Digg has a predominant male audience, while there’s a gender equivalence on LinkedIn and YouTube.

Facebook profile Halloween costumes: 50 tips & examples

Facebook profile Halloween costumes: 50 tips & examples

No inspiration for your Halloween costume yet? What about dressing up as an interactive Facebook profile page? Since the early days of Facebook -when it was still pretty geeky- people have been paying tribute to their favorite social network, as you can see in the Halloween pictures we collected. Can you guess from the layout of the costumes what year they were made?

Did you survive Facebook’s extended site maintenance?

Did you survive Facebook’s extended site maintenance?

Tens of thousands of people were deprived access to their Facebook accounts for the past days, some even more than a week! By now, forunately, most accounts are available again and have returned unharmed (save for a crop in FarmVille here, and a bankrupt restaurant in Restaurant City there). Photos, wall posts, and other Facebook data should all still be there, but as a downside, Facebook had to reset privacy settings to their most restrictive settings for the recent updates of those affected.

Twitter Tuesday XIII: Facebook Tweet of the Week

Twitter Tuesday XIII: Facebook Tweet of the Week

Girl at work- “I just joined facebook!” me-“You joined facebook? with a face like that? .. it should be called horse book”. I got the bird.

How to keep a hyperlink in your Facebook status update

How to keep a hyperlink in your Facebook status update

When you post an URL to your profile, Facebook embeds it as a video, picture or website depending on the content it’s linking to. So if you want to include a hyperlink in your status update, you’ll have to disable Facebook from automatically sharing it as a link or piece of content in your news feed by clicking the X button before posting.

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