Pieter posted in "News, Privacy & security".
Today was a big day for Facebook, as they introduced several new features at the Facebook Event 2010. Here’s a quick round-up…
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages".
Facebook isn’t just a place to connect with friends. It’s also a virtual universe where people with wacko interests, funny similarities and crazy ideas discover that they’re not alone.
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages, Hacks & tricks".
Hundreds of thousands of personal phone numbers are available publicly on Facebook. But don’t blame Facebook’s vague privacy controls just yet. The people who’ll pick up the phone when you dial one of these private numbers have shared them openly, although most likely unsuspectingly.
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages".
We previously warned you about the danger of admins renaming Facebook groups you belong to, and today we learned about an interesting AIDS-awareness campaign from Germany, making creative use of this feared renaming option.
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages".
While hundreds of people have been evacuated from their homes, and tens of thousands of grounded air travelers are frustrated because volcanic ash has shut the European air space, there are already some funny Facebook groups and pages mocking the troublesome eruption of a volcano in the southern Iceland area of the Eyjafallajoekull glacier.
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages".
Any artist can have hundreds of fan pages on Facebook, but it takes a really successful one to have dozens and dozens of anti-fan pages. Take Justin Bieber. The 16-year-old Canadian pop singer with a certified platinum debut release may have millions of screaming fans, but his young, slightly androgynous looks and voice make him an easy target for opponents.
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages".
If there’s just one Facebook group you join today, it should be the one called People Against Bad Stuff and in Support of Good Things. Founded on December 14th by Zachary Shiner of the University of Santa Cruz (California), it’s a group that supports everything good and opposes to everything bad.
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages, Humor".
Stop making duplicate groups, Facebook peeps! This includes groups that complain about duplicate groups, and also groups that complain about duplicate groups that are called “stop making duplicate groups”. See? It’s that simple.
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages".
Control your info (controlyour.info) is an anonymous operation raising awareness for a major flaw in Facebook Groups that enables anyone to register as a group admin after the previous administrator leaves the group. And like we warned months ago, an admin can change the group’s name to anything he wants without group members receiving any notification. In addition, group ownership can be abused to send spam to its members.
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages, Humor".
Megalomania has to start somewhere.
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages, Humor".
A peek at what’s happening in the invitation-only Facebook group for world leaders:
ANGELA MERKEL is attending G8 summit.
BILL CLINTON See you there ;-)
HILLARY CLINTON I don’t think so.
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages, Humor".
Continuing our earlier started search for the weirdest Facebook groups, here are 10 more strange or silly group names that make you wonder. Which ones do you like best? Or have you actually joined one of these? Let us know in the comments…
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages, Humor".
Starting today we have a new weekly feature here at reface.me: Wacko Wednesdays! Every Wednesday we’ll focus on the whacky side of Facebook, you know, the weirdos, the witty, and the plain wrong. Let’s kick this off with ten weird Facebook groups. Feel free to share your own discoveries in the comments!
Pieter posted in "Groups & pages".
We don’t have time to read real books any more! We read Facebook.
Nowadays, we plough through a never-ending “News Feed” and an unstoppable train of “Status Updates”. Reading them all day long. But we kinda enjoy it, right?