Status Saturday: 10 Status Updates for Easter
Pieter posted in "Status updates". 15 years, 9 months ago
Depending on where you live, it’s Easter Sunday either tomorrow or next weekend. So we prepared a few Facebook status updates you can copy-paste to your profile to be a bit “egg-centric” on this holiday:
is going eggstatic!
loves to bite the heads off chocolate bunnies
won’t waste any time looking for eggs, but will catch the Easter Bunny instead and hit the egg jackpot
knows how to find the Easter Bunny: eggs mark the spot where it has been
is eggxercising!
is a funny bunny
can finally wear his/her bunny suit without being mocked
is jumping up and down like an Energizer Easter Bunny
needs love, but some little chocolate eggs don’t hurt
rather falls in chocolate than in love
Happy Easter!