Status Saturday: Mad Men Status Updates
Pieter posted in "Status updates". 15 years, 1 month ago
In addition to yesterday’s Mad Men Yourself post and last week’s fake Mad Men Facebook conversations, here’s a Status Saturday dedicated to the popular tv series about the fictional, Manhattan-based Sterling Cooper advertising agency in the 60s. Can you tell we’re big fans? These quotes turned status updates were collected from all three seasons, but we removed all serious spoilers in favor of those who haven’t seen every episode yet.
Don Draper Facebook Status Updates:
…is living like there’s no tomorrow, because there isn’t one.
…makes the lie, invents want.
…thinks mourning is just extended self-pity.
…hates to break it to you but there is no big lie. There is no system. The universe is indifferent.
…thinks about it deeply, then forgets it… then an idea will jump up in his/her face.
…says there will be fat years and there will be lean years, but it is going to rain.
…thinks change isn’t good or bad. It just is.
…is maybe late because he/she was spending time with his/her family reading the Bible.
Roger Sterling Facebook Status Updates:
…is just saying that at some point we’ve all parked in the wrong garage.
…knows that when God closes a door, He opens a dress.
…shall be both dog and pony.
…would like to just fire everyone.
…has a jar full of pennies.
…thinks it’s easy adjusting to happiness.
Pete Campbell Facebook Status Updates:
…is a red-blooded American male!
…hell’s bells, Trudy!
…’s great-great-grandfather Silas Dyckman would have turned his boat around if he had known that the city would one day be filled with cry babies.
…is giving up his/her life to be with you, isn’t he/she?
Betty Draper Facebook Status Updates:
…’s mother always said, “You’re painting a masterpiece, make sure to hide the brush strokes.”
…is just Nordic.
…is here all day with them. Out-numbered.
…thinks only boring people are bored.
Joan Harris Facebook Status Updates:
…is a fun-loving girl, responsible sometimes. Likes to laugh, lives to love seeks size six for city living and general galavanting. No dull moments or dull men tolerated.
…thinks your decolletage is distracting.
…thinks that’s life: one minute, you’re on top of the world. The next, some secretary is running over your foot with a lawn motor.
Peggy Olson Facebook Status Updates:
…doesn’t want to be one of a hundred colors in a box.
…is in the persuasion business, and frankly, he/she’s disappointed by your presentation.
…never expects Mr. Draper to be anything other than what he is.
…is Peggy Olson and wants to smoke some marijuana.
Ken Cosgrove Facebook Status Updates:
…thinks God’s gift to bachelors is that the juiciest gazelle is the easiest to catch.
…knows that lipstick was invented to simulate the flush of a woman’s face when a man treated her right.
Freddy Rumsen Facebook Status Updates:
…is playing Mozart’s “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik” on his/her zipper.