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Facebook Fail Friday: What your bra color Facebook status update says about you

So have you update your status today with the color of your bra? Or are you male and raising awareness for prostate cancer by posting the color of your boxers? What you probably didn’t know is that the color of your underwear, yes, that single word, says EVERYTHING about you… even your darkest secrets.

Pink: I got a Victoria’s Secrect giftcard for Christmas.

Yellow: Be advised, I’m insane.

White: This is a stupid idea.

Beige: My husband hasn’t touched me in years.

None: I’m single.  And lonely.  And desperate.

For more colors (and their rather explicit explanations) head to FunnyCrave.

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Facebook Fail Friday: What your bra color Facebook status update says about you Posted by on January 9, 2010 at 12:41 AM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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