Balloon Boy Status Updates

It’s been almost a week since the Balloon Boy incident (aka the Colorado balloon incident or the Heene Hoax), since six-year-old Falcon was believed to have floated away in a home-made balloon, but instead was found hiding inside a box at home in the attic. Here are 9 of the best Facebook status updates about Balloon Boy that we could find:
…will be Balloon Boy for Halloween… by just staying home in the attic.
…will be Balloon Boy for Halloween. Already found my costume:
…will let the RIP Kanye West hoax finish, but Balloon Boy was one of the best hoaxes of all time!
…is convinced Osama Bin Laden would beat Balloon Boy at hide-and-seek
…is glad they found balloon boy. I was afraid that Michael Jackson was ordering take out from heaven.
…is going to take a nap in the attic and waste the nation’s time for a while
…is looking for a child volunteer for a little backyard balloon experiment.
…advises Falcon to build another balloon and get the hell out of that family.
…is doing this for show!