This Man Took A Photo Of Himself Everyday For 8 Years In A Row, Look! (SPAM)

A page called “This Man Took A Photo Of Himself Everyday For 8 Years In A Row, Look!“* is tricking people into liking it in order to watch the video, which has caused the slideshow to go viral around May 23rd and watched by hundreds of thousands of people this week.
If you’re curious about the original video called “Living My Life Faster – 8 years of JK’s Daily Photo Project“, just save yourself the hassle (and the unsolicited “Like”) and watch it on Vimeo. We doubt that JK Keller, the star of the time-lapsed self-portrait, is behind the viral Facebook strategy. Most likely the video’s popularity is being abused with intention to spam the “likers” later.
There’s already a parody page making fun of the viral video, titled This man took pictures of 8 year olds everyday. Up next: This man took pictures of an onion ring for 8 years in a row?
We are aware that there are hundreds of pages using the same technique to elicit “likes” and it’s at least surprising that Facebook hasn’t cracked down on it.
UPDATE (May 31st, 2010): The clickjacking scheme described above has officially been diagnosed by Sophos.