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Wacko Wednesday: Tag your friends in crowds

Are you into Where’s Waldo/Wally? Then this new “tag your friends” series is something for you. Here’s a bunch of different photos of crowds in which you can tag yourself and your friends. Of course, none of you were really there but with most of the heads in the pictures so small and unidentifiable, the joke is obvious. Leave a comment if you like these kind of tagging pictures and we’ll do some more.

Images below have been resized for optimized display. Click them to see the full version.

1) Tag your friends in a choir

Tag a crowd - Tag your friends in a choir

2) Tag your friends at the Love Parade (1)

Tag a crowd - Tag your friends at the Love Parade 2

3) Tag your friends at the Love Parade (2)

Tag a crowd - Tag your friends at the Love Parade

4) Tag your friends in a crazy festival crowd

Tag your friends in a crazy festival crowd

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Wacko Wednesday: Tag your friends in crowds Posted by on July 1, 2009 at 6:03 PM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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