Tag your friends as peta2 nuggets

peta2 is the largest youth animal rights group in the world, and takes on anyone who abuses animals:
From schools that don’t allow the choice not to dissect to fashion designers who won’t drop fur to fast-food giants that refuse to treat their animals right—if cruelty to animals is taking place, you can bet peta2 will be on it.
They made a Tag your Friends poster with 25 different versions of their cute mascot: a little, yellow nugget.
The 25 Nuggets are:
- Tiger Nugget
- Twilight Nugget
- Batman Nugget
- Gamer Nugget
- Superman Nugget
- Nerdy Nugget
- Green Nugget
- Bunny Nugget
- Winter Lover Nugget
- Birthday Nugget
- Santa Nugget
- Leprechaun Nugget
- Patriotic Nugget
- Harry Potter Nugget
- Mario Nugget
- Love Nugget
- Daddy’s Girl Nugget
- Momma’s Boy Nugget
- Pirate Nugget
- Link Nugget
- Werewolf Nugget
- Witchy Nugget
- Star Wars Nugget
- Surfer Nugget
- Princess Nugget
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