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Anti-Twilight Facebook Tagging Picture

Are you getting sick of the New Moon mania yet? Then pardon us for participating in the craze by contributing our own Twilight content. But we do feel for those of you who have Facebook friends raving about the books and movies all the time, spamming you with their Jacob obsession through hourly status updates or quoting every single Edward line from the book for the past week. So here’s how to get back on them.

Look! Twilight is for kids!

You save and upload the picture below to your Facebook profile (Attach it as a photo to your status by clicking the little Photos icon and clicking the Share button). Then tag all your Twilight-crazy friends as the kids in this photo. Let’s see how quickly they’ll untag themselves :)

Anti Twilight Facebook Tag Picture

Photo found at: Regretsy.

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Anti-Twilight Facebook Tagging Picture Posted by on November 19, 2009 at 9:45 PM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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