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It’s movie line week on Facebook

This week’s Facebook fad is one for the movie buffs. For movie line week, you’re asked to post your favourite movie quote and get your friends to guess its origin. This is the message announcing movie line week on Facebook, which has to be copied as your status to help spread the word:

It’s movie line week here on Facebook. Cut and paste this to your status, and in the comment box write your favorite line from a movie and see how many people know the movie and the lines! Don’t forget to comment on your friends’ movie lines.

If you need inspiration, IMDB is probably the biggest source of movie lines and offers advanced search features. Also check out the dozens of movie-related status updates we’ve posted in the past: Inglourious Basterds Status Updates, Harry Potter Status Updates, Fight Club Status Updates, Sin City Status Updates, Fast & Furious Status Updates, and Watchmen Status Updates.

Share your movie lines in the comments below so fellow refacers can have a guess at well!

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It’s movie line week on Facebook Posted by on February 25, 2010 at 4:45 AM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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