Spread the FAIL Whale
Pieter posted in "Memes". 14 years, 7 months ago
The fail whale is the latest meme on Facebook, and there’s no doubt it jumped over from Twitter. Here’s how it looks like on FB (and our apologies to our fans for spamming it to our Page):
For those unfamiliar with the concept, the marine mammal has been made famous by Twitter because the image appears whenever the  service goes “over capacity”. The image, originally designed by an artist called Yiying Lu, began to take on a life of its own… as proven again by the fact that it washed up on Facebook in this ASCII form.
Below is the piece of ASCII text you need to copy-paste (select it, press Ctrl+C, go to facebook.com and press Ctrl+V in a comment). The whale looks a bit like sashimi on this page, but it shouldn’t when you paste it to Facebook.
spread the fail whale
Ironically, many users who try to post this message to their profile as a status update (instead of a comment) end up with a garbled ASCII image. The best way to respond? Yes, you guessed it. Now go and spread it!
UPDATE: What about spreading a little bit of optimism on Facebook? Here’s a counterattack on the fail meme:
Look! A WIN whale! It’s much more optimistic than the FAIL whale!