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Tag your friends as the Smurfs

Tag your friends as the Smurfs

I regularly receive requests and suggestions for Facebook tagging pictures and -during the past 30 days- 16 of those e-mails were asking for a Smurfs poster. So here it finally is, by popular demand: the If we were Smurfs… tagging pic.

Excuses for missing class tagging picture

Excuses for missing class tagging picture

We’ll start this week with a tag picture called “Excuses for missing class my friends and I would use”. Who’s the friend who has a love-hate relationship with his alarm clock? Who’s the one who would come up with a crazy story about alien abduction? Who’s got a wild girlfriend and which friend is just too cool for school? Tag your friends and the excuses they’re most likely to use. Don’t forget to tag yourself too!

Famous people and their “25 Random Things”

Famous people and their “25 Random Things”

Oh, that infamous “25 Random Things About Me” note on Facebook. Almost everybody and their hamster have posted such a list by now. Even celebrities. We’ve found five random things lists, from The Office star Rainn Wilson, Michelle Obama, TV personality Ellen DeGeneres, ex-Destiny Child Kelly Rowland and High School Musical star Vanessa Hudgens. Let’s see if a celebrity’s list is really more exciting than ours.

Tag and give your Facebook friends an Easter egg

Tag and give your Facebook friends an Easter egg

Which one of your Facebook friends is a total choc-a-holic, who is into Naruto or The Dark Knight, and which one goes to bed with a soccer ball? Most countries in the world are celebrating Easter today, and you can participate on Facebook by uploading the image below to your Wall and tagging up to 12 friends with the following special Easter eggs…

Tag your friends as Benjamin Button characters

Tag your friends as Benjamin Button characters

Along the way you bump into people who make a dent on your life. Some are born to sit by a river. Some people get struck by lightning. Some have an ear for music. Some are artists. Some swim. Some know buttons. Some know Shakespeare. Some are mothers. And some people dance.

5 Harry Potter Character Tagging Pictures

5 Harry Potter Character Tagging Pictures

A fair number of you have requested a Harry Potter tag your friends picture, so I did a quick search and discovered no less than five Harry Potter posters for your tagging pleasure. With the help of these pictures, you can tag your Facebook friends as Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Sirius Black etcetera. The characters are pictured either as cartoons, WeeMees or as actual photos of the movie actors, and their personalities vary in each tagging picture.

Tag your friends as cute creatures

Tag your friends as cute creatures

Enough with the nasty gifts and the tough Watchmen… time for CUTENESS. If you’re into Japanese “kawaii” characters -like Pikachu, Hello Kitty, Miffy or Onionhead- then this tag your friends picture is for you. Webfetti has made a collage of their cutest anime cartoons and drawings, including a frog, penguin, princess, hamster, dog, pig, and even a goth girl.

Give fake and nasty virtual gifts

Give fake and nasty virtual gifts

You can’t be in peace and harmony with your friends all the time, right? Even the best friends fight! Has someone spread a nasty rumour about your birthday suit? Has your ex-lover dumped you for one of your closest buddies? Who’s that friend who always snatches the last beer from your fridge? And who tagged you in that really unflattering drunk picture on Facebook last week?

Tag your friends as 50+ different geeks (UPDATED)

Tag your friends as 50+ different geeks (UPDATED)

You’ve got to admit, there’s a geek in all of us! Sure, one hobby might be cooler or sexier than another, but in the end everyone’s a sucker for something. Scott Johnson is the artist behind the 56 Geeks Project, which started as a doodle or two in his sketchbook but ended up as a huge poster featuring fifty-six geeky stereotypes. Get ur geek on with our “We’re all geeks” tag picture.

Tag your friends as the Watchmen

Tag your friends as the Watchmen

Watchmen is a superhero film directed by Zack Snyder based on the 1986-1987 comic book limited series Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. Set in an alternate history 1985, Watchmen follows a group of former vigilantes as tensions heighten between the U.S. and the Soviet Union while an investigation of an apparent conspiracy against them uncovers something even more grandiose and sinister…

6th Folder, 6th Photo meme

6th Folder, 6th Photo meme

Looking for a new Facebook photo mission to carry out? Check out this 6th Folder, 6th Photo meme which originated on blogs, but is just as easy to transfer to Facebook. Here are the six steps to follow:

Tag your Facebook friends as Lost characters

Tag your Facebook friends as Lost characters

Did I already mention how much I love to receive submissions from our visitors? Seriously, it rocks to have you girls and guys contribute to Like Lindsey here, who made a Lost character map and decided to send it our way so we could share it with you! You can tag up to 16 of your Facebook friends as characters from the popular television series about a mystery island.

Mr. Men & Little Miss Parody Facebook Tag Picture

Mr. Men & Little Miss Parody Facebook Tag Picture

CollegeHumor quickly jumped the bandwagon and made a pretty cool parody of the Mr. Men & Little Miss tagging picture with their own cartoon illustrations. If you’re fed up with the one-month old character tagging Facebook meme -that seems to have infected MySpace as well- this is the ONE picture that you DO have to upload to make a statement.

Tag your Facebook friends as LOLcats

Tag your Facebook friends as LOLcats

Evan’s tagging picture is a collage of LOLcats, you know, the funny kitty pictures made famous by and I Can Has Cheezburger. It’s probably the biggest tag your friends poster we’ve seen until now, allowing you to tag up to 42 of your friends as the following cool cats or cute kittens…

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