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Wacko Wednesday: What’s your wacko facebook.com/username page?

Last Saturday, Facebook enabled custom profile URLs –also known as “vanity urls”- for user profiles (pages with over 1000 fans). Most people will have just chosen the firstname.lastname option as suggested by Facebook, but if you click “More”, you’ll see a field with the text “Enter desired username“.

That’s right, the location of your profile can be almost anything (except for registered trademarks, cuss words and a bunch of other restrictions). But you have to choose wisely, because your decision is final. I wonder if the people behind the URLs listed below we are of that…

This list was compiled based on a blog post and its comments at Mashable.

Grabbed your own funny username URL (you can do so by clicking here)? Let us know in the comments!

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Wacko Wednesday: What’s your wacko facebook.com/username page? Posted by on June 17, 2009 at 8:34 PM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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