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Grandmother’s Advice On Social Media

Grandmother knows best. But this is the kind of advice you wouldn’t expect from your grandma!

Grandmother's Advice on Social Media - Google+ and Facebook
Don’t spend time on Google+. It’s like Facebook without your friends.

Grandmother's Advice on Social Media - Youtube
Vimeo has more quality, but YouTube has more content.

Grandmother's Advice on Social Media - Xing
Don’t trust anyone who uses Xing as main social media.

Grandmother's Advice on Social Media - World of Warcraft
Never play World of Warcraft. It’s really, really, really addictive.

Grandmother's Advice on Social Media - Wikipedia
Don’t trust all what you read and see on Wikipedia

Grandmother's Advice on Social Media - Twitter
Don’t just Tweet for the sake of tweeting.

Grandmother's Advice on Social Media - Password
Never ever let your partner know your password. Believe me.

Grandmother's Advice on Social Media - Instagram
Don’t think you’re a photographer just because you use Instagram.

Grandmother's Advice on Social Media - Apps
Don’t buy an app that has an ugly logo.

A project by Chacho Puebla from Spain, his sister and great-aunt, we bet these photos will end up in many a Powerpoint presentation.

As my son gets older and I get more grey hair, I wonder what kind of advice will I give to my grandchildren. My three grandmothers where always giving me sermons instead of tips. “Be carfeul with your money”. “Don’t get involved with that girl”, “Save”, “Get a haircut, you look like a hippie”, and all those classic parent, grandparent comments. When you’re younger you think you’ll never fall into that same kind of discourse, until you find yourself talking about stupid (cliché) stuff with your kid, about how important school is and if you don’t have a degree you’re nobody. I hope I can give better advice some day. In the meantime, here are some tips my grandmother should have given me. The photo is of my great-aunt. The photographer one of my sisters, Lula.

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Grandmother’s Advice On Social Media Posted by on November 29, 2011 at 5:14 PM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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