Facebook Fairytales

Facebook is not all about pointless quizzes or robbing each other in Mafia Wars. In fact, some truly heartwarming events obviously occur when over 400 million people can connect to each other on a global, social network. Even the site’s harshest skeptics can’t ignore the fact that a pinch of Facebook magic has helped users find a long-lost relative, a future spouse or even a kidney donor. Award-winning writer Emily Liebert took the time to commit some of these inspiring tales to paper. Her book Facebook Fairytales: Modern-Day Miracles to Inspire the Human Spirit tells twenty-five real stories about people’s personal struggles and triumphs, and how the social network is entwined into them through significant wall posts or life-changing status updates.
Stories include the discovery of one’s biological parents, Barack Obama’s revolutionizing social media campaign, relay messages to a loved one during the Mumbai terrorist attacks, raising money for a Chinese orphanage, and an attempt to hunt down a hit-and-run criminal. Also included is an introductory interview with FB’s founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg.
This captivating book proves the Facebook cynic wrong, and uses actual events and exact accounts to illustrate that there’s more to the News Feed than funny status updates and Farmville. And we can imagine there’s plenty more were these “happy ending” stories came from, so get that sequel rolling!
» Order Facebook Fairytales: Modern-Day Miracles to Inspire the Human Spirit from Amazon.com for under the suggested $12.95 retail price.
» Become a fan of Facebook Fairytales, a page maintained personally by the book’s writer.
Do you have any startling or even miraculous FB stories yourself? Feel free to share your first hand experiences. Or have you read already this book? Then post your review in the comments.
Below is a video interview with Emily Liebert on South Florida Sun Sentinel’s Morning Show, in which she mentions stories about the organ donor, an adoption, and a reignited summer camp romance.