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Tag your friends on Twitter

Tagging friends is not just for Facebook anymore. Thanks to a new service called PicTag.me, you can now use all our Tag your Friends images on Twitter too! So instead of your Facebook friends, you can now tag your followers in our extensive supply of tagging pictures.

How to tag your Twitter followers in pictures:

  1. Visit pictag.me and click the “Sign in with Twitter” button.
  2. Sign in and authorize PicTag.me to access your followers and update your Tweets.
  3. Upload our pictures you saved to your computer, or import pictures directly from the web using their URLs*
  4. Click the uploaded or imported picture and “Tag this photo”, so you can start tagging your @followers.
  5. Click “Done Tagging” when you’re… done tagging!
  6. You can add an optional comment to your Tweet before you submit the tagged picture.

Twitter picture tagging

*Here are the direct URLs to some of our most popular Facebook tagging pictures:

Do you think the friends tagging craze will now hit Twitter too?

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Side notes

Tag your friends on Twitter Posted by on May 12, 2010 at 10:39 PM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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