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Facebook tag picture: Orange Guy

The Orange Guy, a brainchild of illustrator Leo Blanchette and the official mascot of Answers.com, is now available as a Facebook tag picture featuring the entire Orange family.
His crazy aunt Betty, his hippie older sister, the detective he hired 2 years ago… They’re all here and waiting to be uploaded to your Facebook so you can tag your friends.
How to “Tag your friends as Orange Guy” with this tag picture:
  1. Right-click the grid with 22 Orange characters above and save the picture to your computer.
  2. Go to your personal Facebook profile and click the text field area under “What’s on your mind”.
  3. Click the “Photos” icon (usually the first to the left).
  4. Then choose “Upload a photo from your drive”, find and double-click the file you just saved to your computer.
  5. Click “Share” and the tag picture will be uploaded to a photo album called “Wall Photos”.
  6. Click on the picture and then choose “Tag This Photo” from the options at the bottom right.
  7. Tag your inner Orange and show which Orange Guy or Girl best fits your friends!
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Facebook tag picture: Orange Guy Posted by on March 9, 2010 at 9:50 PM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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