featured on FOX News Mobile’s Point Click and Go

Last night I found this e-mail in my inbox:
My name is Liz Stowasky, I write and produce a segment for FOX News Mobile called Point Click and Go where we review fun and interesting sites on the web. Recently, we featured!
Wow! Hardly a month old and this blog has already gotten some video coverage… from FOX News! Sure, the segment is over before you realise it, but everyone’s entitled to at least 15 seconds of fame, right? In the video below you’ll see references to the upside down text rotator, My Facebook Wookiees, My Facebook Popstars and the Tag your friends as South Park characters grid. Thanks to Liz for picking us up!
If you see featured in a magazine, on a tv show, on a website or anywhere else, please let us know!
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