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Facebook helps you connect and sleep with the people in your life

You often find yourself using Facebook to stalk on potential future girlfriends/boyfriends, but it’s not your fault! It’s all because of the hidden message on Facebook’s login page, where every user has to register and log in. We’re sure you’ve never noticed this subliminal message, and probably never would if we didn’t tell you exactly how to look for it, but it’s undeniably there. Like a very hard-to-find Facebook easter egg.

BEFORE WE CONTINUE, AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE: We are NOT affiliated with fbsecretsymbol.info (“The Most EPIC Hidden Message EVER: In The FACEBOOK LOGO!!“). If you arrived here through that website, please be aware that all of our content and articles are freely available to anyone who visits http://reface.me and do not require “likes” or any other time wasting steps to gain access.

Care to try? Then go to Facebook and make sure you’re logged out so you see the Facebook login page. Now take a look at the map with all the men and women silhouettes because that’s the area with the hidden message. If you see the message to “try out Facebook on your mobile” instead, hit F5 or the browser’s refresh button until you see the world map.

Here’s the trick to find the easter egg: “connect the dots” and you’ll see that the icons were arranged to spell an interesting word.

Still can’t spot it? Ok, we’ll just show you the hidden word:

SEX! Seriously! If you connect the male and female silhouettes, you’ll spell SEX.

Like they say in marketing: “sex sells”. And Facebook proves it, with its +400 million users who’ve all seen the Facebook login page multiple times.

Or have we been watching Disney’s Lion King too much? You tell us.

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Facebook helps you connect and sleep with the people in your life Posted by on March 4, 2010 at 5:39 PM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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