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Heineken Hugs Facebook Fans

After receiving one million ‘Likes’ on Facebook, Heineken decided to return the compliment one “Like” at a time. A team of “Heineken Huggers” ─sporting awesome t-shirts, may we add─ was sent out on the streets of Amsterdam and hugged every Heineken drinking person. Sucks to be the one guy drinking a Merlot for a change.

Heineken LikeAre there any other brands or products you’d like to see sending out a hug team, or return another real-life favor to their fans? What about Victoria’s Secret? Its Facebook Page has over 11 million likes. Come on, send out some Angels!

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Heineken Hugs Facebook Fans Posted by on February 14, 2011 at 6:00 PM. Use this trackback if you're linking this story.

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